Sunday, January 30, 2011


While making the prototype I found it difficult to make an interesting game space that wasn't so big you get lost in as to something so simple you lose interest. I'm trying to find that happy medium.

With the map drawn in its basic layout I'm trying to plan where the places of interest are in such a way that I don't make it to linear but don't set it up with so much back tracking that the player also loses interest. I plan to do this with lighting, making it so that the player will be able to explore the map but after finding one clue being able to easily track down the other from a distance but not from the other side of the map.


To the map I decided to just use a legend seeing as how thin the paper is that it might ruin the map if I use markers on it.

Story: The story of the character your playing as is that he was once a proud rich man, his name is Nathan Poe.
He had a wife, Crystal, and a wonderful life but he was plagued by a second personality. The personality was uncontrollable and he was never aware of it, others noticed something was off but nothing too odd to mention.
      The worst folly of this was the alternate personality was its problem with anger, it would lash out at the smallest things, and became to much. He murdered his wife and was sentenced to death. During these events Nathan was clueless as to what had happened because the personality had fully taken over. until he believes to have come back from the dead and must figure out what has happened to him and why.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Design Document

Laudomia; Cities and the Dead

Game Space: The graveyard next to the city.

Player goal: find out why you're there and who you are.

Player Motivation: the player reads at the start they don't remember anything, including who they are, or why they are there.

The player should start the game creeped out and curious, wanting to solve the puzzle to realize why your there. The emotion at the end of solving the puzzle would be surprised at the reason why you are in this part of the city.

Puzzle: the player searches through various parts of the graveyard and cemetery for clues why they are there, the clues would be searching around other graves coming to certain names that you recall brining back some memory. The start of the puzzle begins with the player in an unmarked grave.

Structures: High narrow halls with in wall graves, large headstones, grave diggers work shed, miscellaneous graveyard objects.

Art style: gothic dark